Thursday, January 19, 2012

What happens to Obama 7 the Dem's if no real birth documents are produced by the 2012 presidential run?

I think its very clear now that Donald trump is going to demand real doc or impeach the impostor Obama BEFORE he runs for any re-elections?What happens to Obama 7 the Dem's if no real birth documents are produced by the 2012 presidential run?
He'll run anyway because the government will not require proof because they're afraid of minority riots.
Here is what I predict will happen; (Az. and other states will have on the books by 2012 laws that require long form birth certificate with hospital name, Dr. and nure names and signatures)...for whatever reason I do not think obama will be able to produce one, I think hawaii will also be unable to produce one and will end up saying some how it was destroyed or lost and all they have is the computer generated certificate of live will end up in the state supreme courts and finally the national supreme court. If Obama had a copy of his original birth certificate ( I mean come on he is an educated adult, I have had mine for years) he would have produced it by now. I don't think on ever existed.What happens to Obama 7 the Dem's if no real birth documents are produced by the 2012 presidential run?
He's determined to get to the bottom of this and he has the money and connections to do it. I'm just hoping it isn't a scam by the president to make it look like something it isn't to get people to drop the issue, I don't trust Obama and the people who support him financially. However I think he's for real and hope he does bring this out.
Funny thing is going to be when Donald Trumps flips on you and states that he has verified, and has no doubt that he is an American. That is going to kill the birther issue. Just wait for it. Trump is going to end this in Obama's favor. There is no other possible outcome.What happens to Obama 7 the Dem's if no real birth documents are produced by the 2012 presidential run?
Trump is not in Congress so he cannot impeach anyone.

What I do know is that Democrats and Republicans, alike, accepted the documentation he provided. Not one person, responsible for checking into these things, had any concerns.
Remember the magician's secret of sight of hand. Maybe it is not the birth certificate Obama is hiding. Maybe the other documentation is bogus and by keeping the focus on the birth certificate, no one is looking at the real trick.

He has produced sufficient documentation. It is loony, shrill, bug-eyed birthers who say otherwise. Why? Because they are mental defects.
Donald Trump is a womanizer. He is not going to get the nomination of his party, a party of "family values."

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