Thursday, January 19, 2012

How do you Obama supporters feel about the Hillary supporters voting for Mccain?

I mean after the way Obama treated her, how can you expect any different. It just goes to show that those Hillary supporters are not selling out to Obama. Hillary may be, but only because her debts are getting paid. Always remember ( hell hath no fury like a woman scorned). I think Obama should have been a little nicer to Hillary, Don't you?|||Obama is a king size ASShole, that is why these women vote MCCAIN!

"Just no Deal Obama," this is a free country and we vote for who we like and not who the DNC decides!|||I think it is justified. After all, it's all strategy. They want Hillary to run in 2012.|||They can chalk it up to Obama's racism, and that of his supporters.|||Riddle: Who needs self-hating women?

Answer: Only McCain (just look at his wives)|||They're morons|||I think Hillary was equally as rude to Obama during the primaries. Especially in the final days with the whole assisnation thing. But I don't think that it is to the point where they can't agree to disagree and move forward. However, if Hillary would have won, I would have been very disappointed, but I still wouldn't vote for McCain bc he doesn't support 1 issue that I care about. And I couldn't be that spiteful. Its like I slicing my own throat. I just couldn't. And anyone that does needs to grow up. Sometimes, life as you see it is not fair, but you don't switch teams bc you didn't get to play. There is always next the next game. You work harder and maybe just maybe coach will let you play!|||I think they are voting against everything Hillary stands for by voting for McCain. I don't know why people are saying that Obama treated Hillary unfairly. She was the one that was slinging mud and using scorched earth campaigning. I would have voted for Hillary if she had won the nomination, but this is getting absurd. Vote for McCain if you must, but don't do it in the name of Hillary.|||PLEASE LET THEM DO ANYTHING THEY WANT TO DO. IF THEY WANT TO VOTE FOR MCCAIN. THIS IS AMERICA. LET THEM. PLEASE VOTE FOR MCCAIN. LET IT BE, LEAVE THEM ALONE. THEY DESERVE EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO GET. I KNOW MY VOTE WILL BE FOR..................!

VOTE MCCAIN!|||i think it's Hillar-i-o-u-s! HAHAHA|||Are you a complete dumbass or what? Hilary didn't exactly kiss Obama's *** when they ran against each other. Anyway, I just think those people's ******* hurt.|||we are far from the sellouts we played by the rules and got BURNED and OBAMA cheated and got rewarded! AND we will vote MCCAIN! AND MCCAIN will win!|||I think it is great! Maybe Obama shouldn't have pulled a fast one to become the nominee and maybe his supporters shouldn't be vile and racist.|||Hillary wasn't exactly "nice" to Obama either. I don't think he was mean to her.. they were just in a tight political race. I think the people who are voting for McCain just to NOT vote for Obama aren't voting for the right reasons. Obviously Obama's policies are a lot closed to Hillary's that McCain's would be, so if they actually CARED about Hillary's stance on issues when she was running then they'd vote for Obama now. Otherwise they're just voting for McCain out of spite because they're sore losers.|||I don't think anyone who was really for Senator Clinton will vote for McSame. McCain is either an idiot who can't remember where he stands on the issues or he is the biggest liar in the world. He has even voted against bills that he cosponsored. Any one with an ounce of intelligence can see through him.|||we don't need them|||In the London's Telegrapher Clinton's friends said Obama was going to have to beg him to support him and that he could "Kiss my A$$".|||If Hillary's supporter's want to support Mccain it is their perogative. they're more than welcome to provide hope for the Mccain folks. we welcome the debate. and furthermore, those who prefer mccain over obama are people who never would've voted for a black man anyway. it has nothing to do with how obama treated hillary. Obama was the grown up in the primaries, and hill and bill were veterans who were short winded when it came to the young vigorouos black man from the Chi. we want change from the last centuries of uni-idealism. and we won't be fooled by the scare tactics you bafoons enlist either. Obama or die@!!|||I am not voting for McCain because of the way Hillary was treated. That's politics. That's just how it goes. It gets ugly and unfair sometimes. I am voting for McCain because I just can't trust Obama. I did try, but I just can't do it.

And NO. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin!|||Well, if hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, I imagine Bill's undies are empty.

No, I think Obama has been nicer to Hillary than she deserves and I sure am not happy to think that my money that I have donated to Obama is going to help her in any way, but I will not stop supporting his campaign financially because of that. Anyone who supported Hillary and now chooses to vote for McCain out of spite isn't thinking straight. There's a big difference and a lot at stake in this election. I think in the long run you aren't going to see many defectors from the Democratic party.|||if they want to vote for McCain out of anger, that's there choice

Obamas agenda is closer to Hillary's then McCain's would ever be.

and hillary didn't sell out, she's working to unit the Dems. if she was elected for the dems, I would vote for her 100%|||the way obama treated her?well thats just politics i think they both knew all along it would be one or the other so i really don't think its such a big deal thats what politicians do and if anyone sells out it would if they voted for macain and if they do they were never real democrats to begin with|||Obama was very fair and mature during the race. Don't confuse his supporters for him. You can blame the media and Obama's surrogates but I don't think anyone has any concrete examples of him treating her badly. He "should have been a little nicer"? Hillary herself said she didn't want anyone tip-toeing around her because she's a woman.

Those hillary supporters that are voting for McCain are just being spiteful. And it's going to backfire. Voting for McCain with whom you agree on 10% of the issues over Obama with whom you agree on 90% of the issues is just ignorant. Voting McCain won't end sexism or media bias. Especially female hillary supporters. McCain is against reproductive rights (fertility treatments, birth contorl access, comprehensive sex education) and equal pay for women. If anyone's sexist it's him.|||I feel that they are the biggest sell-outs that this country will ever see.. if McCain is elected. %26amp; I will laugh my azz of when they see what how big of a mistake they made.|||i don't care if you want to vote out of spite, just proves your not voting on issues...b/c hillary and obama are much more similiar than hillary and mccain...if you want to vote for a man with his voting record on womans rights, then have at it...and Hillarys a big girl...shes been in politics forever...she knows how to play the game...and what does it say about her if shes only doing it to get debts support that?|||OK.

God will vote for Obama come for November.

Some of hose Hilary supporters are racist.

God is angry with America right now. Flood, tornadoes, fires, Katrina etc.|||because they're bitter.|||If they don't get what they want, they'll stab you in the back. That's the Clinton way.

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