Monday, January 23, 2012

Why are people blaming Obama for the financial crisis when he inherited it through past presidents?

I mean, stop blaming Obama, we were in debt before he even ran for president. He inherited the problems of the country and people are still blaming him. He's proposed a freeze in government spending to help us save money, the job rates have been up since he was in office he's called for democrats, AND republicans to help with health care. He's doing his best guys being president isn't exactly easiest job in the world and results don't happen overnight.Why are people blaming Obama for the financial crisis when he inherited it through past presidents?
And he added nothing to the debt? Pllllease.
He can blame Bush for the economy and then Bush can blame Clinton, its an endless cycle.

First off, Obama has not cut spending. And job rates are not up at all. So I don't know where you got those ideas, because they sure are not facts.

Obama has spent more money than any President in history with his $787 billion dollar stimulus that he said wouldn't allow unemployment to go above 8%. That didn't happen. Then he said the bill had no ear marks, it had 9,000. That is not cutting spending, and that is not creating jobs.

So when you want to say that he is saving money and creating jobs, you better have some facts to back that up.Why are people blaming Obama for the financial crisis when he inherited it through past presidents?
A freeze will not help our situation. He has governed over so much increased spending that it will take massive cuts to get it under control.

It is not just obama that should be blamed. Everyone who has been in government over the last 50 years has to shoulder some of the blame.

His vision is very dangerous to our country however. I am a little dissapointed in the pace that the newly elected Republicans are moving. Something about getting to Washington is detrimental to sound thinking. Most of them should be cast out and quickly if we are to ever recover.
He has NOT freeze government spending has he? The job rates have not been up since he has been in office, unemployment however has been up. He never asked the Republicans for help getting obamacare passed. In fact he ignored them completely. Reagan turned the economy around in two years and the economy was very bad when he became president. BTW, overnight must be a very long time to you because Obama has been president for about 28 months now.Why are people blaming Obama for the financial crisis when he inherited it through past presidents?
Historically, Republicans have been very poor losers.

They don't accept facts; they are history revisionists.

Their guy practically destroyed this country, but they will never admit it.

Instead, they choose to act like spoiled kindergarteners and stand in the way of anything that benefits the American people.
He was part of that very Congress who spent like drunken sailors (last two years of Bush's term) before he became President and now he has spent 3 Trillion in addition to what the Dem's created, since becoming the President. It is his doing and he should be held accountable for it! He is destroying America.
People at the top get to take credit for all the wins (like Obama's Peace prize) and are on the hot seat to create change we can believe in. Obama was not the change maker he claimed to be, he's more like Bush#3.
You may be right, but do tell me, do you think we elected him to blame others , or to fix things?? All he has done is make excuses.A ;leader looks for solutions, not excuses.
No president gets a free ride, he promised he would fix it. People are blaming him for not doing what he promised, they know he did not start this, but he promised to end it.
Because the ones blaming him were the party previously in power and it COULDN'T be their fault!
totally agree.

he's the first to attack the deficit head on.

though I don't agree that education should be hit.
When exactly is it a good time for Obama to take any responsibility for his actions?

2033 perhaps?
Because they are Republicans whose candidate lost the election.
Obama was not the change maker he claimed to be, he's more like Bush#3. :-)
I am amazed at how the GOP openly complains about the size of government and the size of the national debt.

Bush moved thousands of jobs out of the private sector into the government. He caused a large number of small business owners to close their business when he made the government take over the jobs private contractors were doing. This did a number of things including adding billions of dollars onto the government payroll, added thousands of new government employees pushing employee health care and retirement costs up, and cut into private sector jobs forcing small business out of the market,

Bush also borrowed billions and billions of dollars from foreign countries and never repaid it or the interest due on it. Most of what he borrowed never even showed up as a debt until 2009. The money he borrowed and the interest now due on it is close to a trillion dollars.

The GOP wants people to believe the size of government has grown under Obama and the national debt has been all his fault. SOme of it is; you can not do government business or any other business when the costs of everything else is going up; last years rates are history. The cost of government goes up every year regardless of who is president. The costs of the BUSH WARS still lingers on our national debt. His (Bush's) comments too the rest of the world ("you are either with us or against us") alienated much of the good will favoring our country and lost a lot of respect for our nation.

Had the Republicans not been fighting Obama so much and had been trying to help resolve our problems we would be better off today.
Some people seem to think Obama has the Pecos Bill magic; get half way through the problem and just turn around and go back. The problems America have contended with in the past two years started five years ago. Obama inherited them when he took office. We would like to have seen them fixed by now but the GOP stated even before Obama took office that they would do everything they could to see the Obama Administration failed and that is what they have done. The GOP has not done a thing to help fix our problems but rather fought everything the Obama Administration has tried too do.

The GOP did not want to win the 2008 presidential elections. They knew fixing the mess Bush was leaving behind would take a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of unpopular decisions, They felt it was best to let the Democrats win and then blame the problems on who ever was in office.

That is why McCain was moved from the back to the front and Palin was selected to run as his VP. That set up a sure loss for the Republicans.

Had the Republicans been trying to help FIX AMERICA in the last two years instead of creating inefficiencies, hate, discontent and Obama failure many of our problems today would have been cleared up in the past two years.

IF OBAMA IS TO FAIL IT SHOULD BE ON HIS OWN! Nothing can justify any elected officials attempts to create failure in our government!

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