Thursday, January 19, 2012

Obama and the military, whats so different between Afgahnistan and Russia?

Why does the Obama administration and his military advisors think they can do something that has already failed. Why dont they learn this tactic does not work? What is so different between Obama and his military advisors plan and the Russians back in 79-89.Obama and the military, whats so different between Afgahnistan and Russia?
We learned a lot from the Russian led invasion back then and the current plan doesn't focus on invading and conquering, but understanding the Human factors in the country (culture) and using that to influence the people into working with ISAF to help defeat the Taliban. If we understand the culture (which is what people on the ground are doing right now) and help the villages to gain infrastructure and education, then they will see that the Taliban (who has left the people of AFG without eduction, food, clean water, electricity) is a force that needs to be eradicated.
  • jp cycles
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