Thursday, January 19, 2012

How long after Obama signed the anti-smoking bill did he go out back to the kids playset and lite up a kool?

Admits he isn't strong enough to quit smoking and yet signs an anti-smoking bill that hurts lower income people. Seems Obama isn't too concerned about imposing spiraling costs on people who are struggling-he has his life set and heck with everyone else.How long after Obama signed the anti-smoking bill did he go out back to the kids playset and lite up a kool?
He was smoking when he signed it more than likely.
MentholsHow long after Obama signed the anti-smoking bill did he go out back to the kids playset and lite up a kool?
Guess it doesn't matter if you have never had really worry about money..
Another example of the rich putting the squeeze of the little guy. They are not going to be happy until they get it all.How long after Obama signed the anti-smoking bill did he go out back to the kids playset and lite up a kool?
He was indeed most likely smoking while signing it, and using the US seal on the floor instead of an ashtray.

It won't hure lower income people. If they're so poor they shouldn't smoke anyway and use the money to buy food and clothes.
He's probably sucking on a 40 year old Cohiba now. Bill smoked all the Lusitania's.
Obama smokes inside the White House, violating Federal law.

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