Saturday, January 14, 2012

What was Obama speaking of when he mentioned a Civilian Security Force?

I cannot find a transcript from Obama's speech where he mentioned the need for a Civilian Security Force and the only video I can find of it is a 20 second sound bite. The only explanations I could find are from people, including a congressman from Georgia, who believe Obama is a Marxist planning to create a gestapo.

Has Obama or anyone working with him explained what role this Civilian Security Force would have?What was Obama speaking of when he mentioned a Civilian Security Force?
I never heard him say anything like that,but if he did ,he probably was referring to neighborhoods looking after each other.The same thing we already have in place( civilian patrols) in some large cities.
Its a gestapo and worker brigades. The Civilian Security Force would consist of many Corps, such as Homeland Security Corps, Veteran's Affair Corps etc. They are portrayed as volunteer, but if they take root into the system, they won't be volunteer. Also, they would rival the military in terms of numbers, budget, etc..

I couldn't find out if the federal government would control it or if the states individually would. As a safeguard against any would-be dictators, the states should control them like the national guard, but I highly doubt that will happen.

Search youtube. You will find his full speech of what exactly he is talking about.What was Obama speaking of when he mentioned a Civilian Security Force?
According to Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff, this would be a MANDATORY security force training program for 18-25 year olds. The proposed training period would be at least 3 months. This would be a huge program with funding that is equal to the budget of the current U.S. military.

You can see a YouTube video of Obama talking about the Civilian Security Force here:

You can see a clip of C-SPAN interview with Rahm Emanuel where he talks about making the training mandatory. Listen to what he says 1:45 into the clip:
OH!! NOW that the party's simmered down YOU stop and think back to what Obama said AFTER YOUR VOTES elected him!! Great!!

I heard Obama's speech, when he mentioned creating a "Civilian Security Force" if elected President---and his remarks about it sure woke me up fast!!

Let's take a look at some of Obama's BIG $$$$ contributors to his campaign:

Nation of Islam

"New" Black Panther Party ( there's nothing "new" about them; not apart from their 1960s domestic terrorist past).

These black para-millitant groups will expect something more than a "thank you" from Obama, for all the major $$$ they gave the man. Chosen members from these groups will surely be given seats in Obama's cabinet---and they'll spread into the "political consulting" capacity within Washington D.C. as well.

Expect their numbers to grow---and branch out to every major U.S. city--becoming organized ( with ACORN help), uniformed---quite visible day AND night. What was Obama speaking of when he mentioned a Civilian Security Force?
He probably wants to have his own personal body guard agency instead of having to use the US Secret Service.
Maybe he is referring to ACORN.
Obama Presidential Cabinet Appointee Rhamn Emanuel has spoken to the press about Obama's plans for this "Civilian Security Force" to go something like this:

Men and women--18 to 25--will be drafted into entering CSF training camps for "intense 3 month boot camp" VERY much like the ARMY--and will have the major FUNDING for the CSF program the U.S. Military currently has.

I foresee some CSF trainees suffering severe injuries--maybe to life long degrees....and some will even find death in these CSF "boot camps". And you can bet---they'll all be sweetly covered up.

I shudder to think what legal PENALTIES will be for those refusing.

Rahm Emanuel dances around with vague answers when questioned about the TRUE purpose of the Obama's CSF---to the point where he's quite nervous about it. Obama envisions this CSF will lend great "assistance" to our U.S. Army stateside. Looking for.....what.....Al-Qaida in Pigsknuckle, Arkansas?


Call it a hunch here--but I suspect there'll be more blacks than whites in these CSF camps---and I doubt they'll be hunting down Al-Qaida baddies on U.S. soil.

And given the CSF "high brass command" will have unlimited resources enjoyed by Homeland Security and CIA---they'll be able to "monitor" ANY American citizens anywhere....and arrest / detain ANYBODY for any reason they deem just and right.

But there's an even more sinister side to the CSF.....

This is Obama's plan to pay back the "New" Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam for all the $$$$ they POURED into his campaign; epic BILLION$ of CSF funding WILL discreetly slip into the deep pockets of these para-military groups.

In my view, Obama's CSF is akin to Hitler's Nazi Youth program--and I DO suspect CSF training material will be rife with brazen idealisms of both Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam--there'll be NOTHING American patriotic about this CSF program.

It amazes me how you "Flippie" Obama voters NOW find time to question what your new President has in mind. Oh, Obama has CHANGE in mind for America--into making it a Socialist country.

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