Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why should Obama listen to a few thousand protesters instead of the 69 million people who voted for him?

Health care reform with a public option was a major part of Obama's campaign platform. Nearly 70 million people voted for him and he won the election. Now several thousand very vocal people believe Obama should listen to them because they can hold signs and yell.

Who do you think Obama should listen to and why?Why should Obama listen to a few thousand protesters instead of the 69 million people who voted for him?
You are right He needs to proceed with Health care reform ( hopefully with the public option ) .

Republicans called Pres. Johnson a socialist as well when he created medicare . Yet those same Republicans if still around sure use medicare .
He shouldn't.

The health reform will pass this year....

The 70,000 people who showed up at the white house yesterday carrying hitler signs will not defeat the bill.Why should Obama listen to a few thousand protesters instead of the 69 million people who voted for him?
The 69 million people who voted for him. The other people were the people who turned out for the McCain/Palin rallies. They just swapped out the signs.
He should hear, but nothing says he must listen.Why should Obama listen to a few thousand protesters instead of the 69 million people who voted for him?
The majority gives him (In the words of Bush) "political capital" and I want him to spend the hell out of it.
a few thousand. HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAAAHHHHHHAAAAAA! let me watch MSNBC with the other few thousand people who do?
exactly you hit the nail in the coffin kudos
This is the exact reason why we were warned about the dangers of democracy. In a democracy the majority can topple the rights of the minority. This is not what our country was set up to be.

"We gave you a Republic if you can keep it" Ben Franklin.
They voted before they knew anything about him, but he MIGHT take a peek at his precipitous polls.
He should listen to whomever he wishes, then do what he thinks is right and accept the consequences, just like every other elected official.
Those where just the people that showed up..There are a ton of more people who don't care for some of his ideas.My Business Partner being one of them and he is about as hard core liberal as you can get.We want answers not another Speech on what he is going to do but how is going to do it.

Yahoo Answers is just a small amount of people.You need to get out and talk to other people to.You have the Blue Dog Democrats and that is what most of your Older Democrats are made up of.We want answers not another Campaign stunt so he can get claps about what he says he is going to do.

Do you want answers?Or do you just want to be lead by the nose and told don't worry it will all be ok...because that is exactly how Bush got away with some of his garbage....
He should listen to the all the people because that is who he represents now. SO 270 million people with coverage and less than 40 million without. who do YOU think he should listen to?
A good number of that 69 million of which you speak are turning into the protesters... of which you also speak.
Wake me up when the Democrats find a spine.

(((Speedfre...))): "Obama's 70 million probably know far less than a few thousand of those in opposition to his agenda and his ideology. You can take that to the bank."

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Maybe a bank that's CLOSED!!!!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
A few thousand? There's been quite an uproar about this healthcare bill for just a few thousand people making a scene...

By the way, did you know that many, many people who voted for him don't like his job on the healthcare issue?
A. According to polls, a huge percentage of the 70 million (as you claim) is now against Obama;

B. It's FAR MORE than a few thousand, lol- try several million! 70,000 alone were at the Washington DC protest yesterday...
Obama and the Democrats will continue to diminsh and ignore the hundreds of thousands of Americans who are fed up with his out of control spending and the balooning deficit.

Of course those hundreds of thousand really reflect millions and millions of likely voters.

He will also likely ignore those polls that show he has had the fasted drop in support of any President in recent history.

The thing is the mid-term election is just 14 months away and the Democrats won't be able to ignore us then.
like Dems say the minorities should always be listened to.

that is how we got gay marriage.
Obama's 70 million probably know far less than a few thousand of those in opposition to his agenda and his ideology. You can take that to the bank.
Well, I don't know. There were an awful lot of protesters during Bush's time. But now that King Barry is here, nobody cares about the death toll in Iraq. It is now okay to "die for oil", as they say.

It is not just visible protesters, it's many more than that. You forget, conservatives have jobs, they need to go to work. Not a lot of time for parading around on someone else's dime. Conservative rallies will always have fewer attendees because of this.

But, the people protesting King Barry are not just conservative.
....AND a few thousand of the very most brainless - obedient servants of FOX FAKE "News"....
Obama 66,882,230

McCain 58,343,559

Total votes counted 125,225,789

Difference 8,538,559

Independents carried Obama

Approx. 1/3 of Republicans did not vote

Obama should listen to all Americans. Recent polls show approval of his plan is in the minority. We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. We don't lose our voice because we lose an election. Several thousand people? Estimates range from 70,00 to between 1.2 million and 2 million not counting the protest that took place across the Nation.

Reality. America cannot afford it. We are broke. Double digit inflation is unavoidable and jobs are still being lost in the hundreds of thousands every month.
Open to concerns and feedback is a good thing. Learn from other countries who have been doing it, to fine tune the law and the execution, would be essential for avoiding problems.

A government option of health insurance is a tricky business. The system should fund itself. It should minimize the abuse to the system - doctors, patients, and hospitals all can find loopholes to abuse the system. Yet, the system needs to do its job so patients get adequate care when needed.

The cash for clunkers program was done in a hurry and there were so many problems. The health care reform should be done carefully, and even can be done in phases.

I personally think there are researchers doing comprehensive researches from all different angles.
I don't think he should listen. Then again, I want him to be a one term president, so please Obama, don't listen.
Kinda like our government listened to a few thousand people that wanted to take God out of our schools? I've seen quite a few polls on the subject and EVERY one of them had 80-90% of people wanting to keep God in schools...........

People need to pay for their own healthcare and insurance. The only thing that needs to be changed as far as healthcare goes is the ridiculous prices the hospitals charge and also the drug companies pushing drugs that haven't been tested properly.

The FDA rejects all natural cures and is only out to make money for drug companies.
The republicans have caused many American to shake their heads in disbelief and disgust. Racism at its finest.
President Obama does listen.

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